Terms and Conditions

All original content on this site is © 2008 - 2019 by Elizabeth Hartman. All rights reserved. Content from this site is not intended for commercial use and may not be republished or distributed without the express written permission of the author.

What does that mean?

  • Content on this site is my work and my property. It is not okay to copy and distribute content from my site via email or in printed form without my permission. It is not okay to publish photos or other content from my blog on other websites without my permission. This applies to everyone.

  • All of my posts include a "Share" option, which you can use with social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Using the Share option ensures that the shared content includes appropriate attribution and links back to my site. Please use this option as an alternative to copying and republishing my content.

  • I love it when individuals and shops link to my site. If you're linking to a pdf pattern, please link to the blog post that includes the pattern, and not directly to the pdf file. (Linking directly to a pdf file is essentially the same as republishing the file on your site, as it means that people can download the file via your site without ever visiting mine.)

  • My patterns and tutorials may not be used to make items for sale.

  • Content from my site is not intended for distribution to classes and sewing groups.

  • It's always okay to share your own photos of projects made using my patterns and tutorials! I appreciate it when you include my name and the name of the pattern so that others will know where to find it.

Wholesale customers, if you are interested in using one of my free projects in your brick and mortar shop, please contact me.

Thank you for respecting my copyright! Your cooperation makes it possible for me to continue to share my work and provide free content for home sewers.